Saturday, December 12, 2009

Five foods to help you look fabulous

(1) Eggs
They’re full of vitamin E, which helps your body absorb calcium better, which is
vital for strong, youthful teeth and bones. Studies also show that people who regularly eat eggs eat less calories overall (they keep you full for ages).
(2) Dates
They’re a great source of vitamins A, B and C, and help digestive health – so they reduce a bloated stomach (which makes you look older).
(3) Almonds
Packed with wrinkle-fighting vitamin E, snack on a small handful every day (no more than nine or 10 at a time though, as they are fairly high in calories).
(4) Berries
All colourful berries (ie, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries) are full of powerful antioxidants that protect the body against the ageing effects of free radicals in the environment.
(5) Avocados
Full of anti-ageing vitamins C and E, they help keep your skin looking peachy and plumped up.

And five things that won’t…
(1) Smoking
Puffing away speeds ageing internally and externally.
(2) Alcohol
Booze is one of the biggest agers, it dehydrates skin (causing wrinkles), slows your metabolism and causes your body to cling to fat around your waist, back and stomach. Have at least four alcohol-free days a week.
(3) Sugar
Refined white sugar breaks down the collagen in your skin, which speeds up the appearance of wrinkles, plus it quickly turns to fat in your body. So limit sugary sweets, biscuits and chocolate.
(4) Stress
A US study found that stress and anxiety speed up cell ageing. The researchers found that women with low stress levels are up to 10 years younger “biologically” than women with high stress levels.
(5) Fizzy drinks
A Bristol University study found preservatives in some fizzy drinks can leach calcium from your bones making them prematurely age. Swap for water (which makes you look younger) or skimmed milk (low-fat dairy products can gently rev your metabolism).
Source: Daily Mirror

11 simple tips to help you quit smoking

More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from AIDS, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined. Smoking harms not just the smoker, but also family members, coworkers, and others who breathe the smoker's cigarette smoke, called secondhand smoke or passive smoke.
Among infants up to 18 months of age, secondhand smoke is associated with as many as 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia each year.
Because of the variety of health problems that are linked to smoking, the majority of those people would love to be able to quit. But as with any addictive habit, this is often easier said than done.
People who quit smoking often experience severe withdrawal symptoms (both physical and mental), making it hard for them to stick with their goal of quitting completely.

Blame nicotine, the main drug in tobacco, for your smoking addiction.
Your brain quickly adapts to nicotine and develops a tolerance for it, meaning you need to smoke more to get the same rush you used to get with just one cigarette. And when you develop a tolerance to a drug, you're usually addicted.
Over time, the brain learns to predict when you are going to smoke a cigarette and releases the 'anti-nicotine' chemicals. These chemicals make you feel depressed and tired, so you think, 'I need a cigarette!'

It's never too late to quit smoking and there are many benefits to be gained no matter what age you are when you give up. Here are some quick tips to help you kick the habit:
1. Believe in yourself: Believe that you can quit. Think about some of the most difficult things you have done in your life and realize that you have the guts and determination to quit smoking. It's up to you.
2. Write down why you want to quit: Live longer, feel better, for your family, save money, smell better, find a mate more easily, etc. You know what's bad about smoking and you know what you'll get by quitting. Put it on paper and read it daily.
3. Plan ahead: Plan ahead for situations in which you are likely to be tempted to smoke, such as parties, drinking or going out for coffee. Try to avoid these situations in the early stages of your quitting program, or try sitting in the non-smoking section at restaurants, drinking your coffee standing up or with the other hand, or keeping something in your hand when you're talking on the phone.
4. Cut back on cigarettes gradually: Ways to cut back gradually include: plan how many cigarettes you will smoke each day until your quit date, making the number you smoke smaller each day; buy only one pack at a time; change brands so you don't enjoy smoking as much; give your cigarettes to someone else, so that you have to ask for them each time you want to smoke.
5. Know the triggers: Learn what triggers your desire for a cigarette, such as stress, the end of a meal, arrival at work, entering a bar, etc. Avoid these triggers or if that's impossible, plan alternative ways to deal with the triggers.

Find another smoker who is trying to quit, and help each other with positive words and by lending an ear when quitting becomes difficult. Visit Forums and Chat Room on the internet to find a "quit buddy".
7. Ask your family and friends to support your decision to quit: Ask them to be completely supportive and non-judgmental. Let them know ahead of time that you will probably be irritable and even irrational while you withdraw from your smoking habit.
8. Do Not Skip Meals: Each puff of nicotine was your spoon releasing stored fats and sugars into your bloodstream. It allowed you to skip meals without experiencing wild blood-sugar swing symptoms such as an inability to concentrate or hunger related anxieties. Don't add needless symptoms to withdrawal but instead learn to spread your normal daily calorie intake out more evenly over the entire day. Don't eat more food but less food more often.
9. Drink lots of water: Water is good for you anyway, and most people don't get enough. It will help flush the nicotine and other chemicals out of your body, plus it can help reduce cravings by fulfilling the "oral desires" that you may have.
10. Begin an exercise program: Exercise is simply incompatible with smoking. Exercise relieves stress and helps your body recover from years of damage from cigarettes. If necessary, start slow, with a short walk once or twice per day. Build up to 30 to 40 minutes of rigorous activity, 3 or 4 times per week.
11. Reward Yourself: Set up a plan for your rewards. Definitely reward yourself after the first day, and the second, and the third. Make them good rewards that you'll look forward to: CDs, books, DVDs, T-shirts, shoes, a massage, a bike, a dinner out at your favorite restaurant, a hotel stay, whatever you can afford.
If You Fall, Get Up and Learn From Your Mistakes. Yes, we all fail. That does not mean we are failures, or that we can never succeed. If you fall, it's not the end of the world. Get up, brush yourself off, and try again.
source: LifeMojo

10 kitchen spices with healing powers

10 kitchen spices with healing powers

India is known as 'the home of spices'. From the ancient times India  has been a hub of spice cultivation, processing and export. Spices are well-known as appetisers and are considered essential in the culinary art all over the world.
Apart from adding colour, flavour and taste, consumption of spices provide infinite health benefits. For instance, spices intensify salivary flow. They cleanse the oral cavity from food adhesion and bacteria, they help to check infection and caries and protect the mucous membrane. Spices act as stimulant to the digestive system and helps digestion in many ways. Stroke frequency and blood pressure can be diminished or augmented by means of spices. Some may even be a substitute for your costly beauty products and even medicines.
Here are the top 10 kitchen spices that have healing effects:
1. Fenugreek (methi): It is mainly used as a green leafy vegetable and seeds are used for seasoning and preparing masalas. It also has many medicinal uses. Fenugreek seed and leaves are good for increasing breast milk in lactating women. It is also helpful for treating diabetes and lowering cholesterol as it helps in reducing blood sugar levels. You can consume it either by incorporating it in your diet or chewing its seeds (after soaking them overnight). Fenugreek also helps in maintaining a good metabolism and prevents constipation. It purifies blood and helps in flushing out the harmful toxins.
2. Coriander (dhania) leaves/seeds: All parts of the coriander plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are commonly used in cooking. Seeds can be roasted or heated on a dry pan briefly before grinding to enhance and alter the aroma. The leaves of coriander are stimulant and tonic. They strengthen the stomach, relieve flatulence and increase secretion and discharge of urine. Coriander seeds reduce fever and promote a feeling of coolness. Coriander juice is highly beneficial in deficiencies of vitamin A, B1, B2, C and iron. One or two teaspoons of coriander juice, added to fresh buttermilk, is highly beneficial in treating digestive disorders such as indigestion, nausea, dysentery, hepatitis and ulcerative colitis. It is also helpful in typhoid fever. Regular drinking of coriander water helps lower blood cholesterol as it is a good diuretic and stimulates the kidney. It can be prepared by boiling dry seeds of coriander and straining the decoction after cooling.
3. Chillies (mirch): Your eyes may start watering just with the name of it, but you would be surprised to know that these spicy ones have healing power too. Since ancient times, chillies have been used by healers to cure a variety of ailments. They have been used externally to relieve pain and internally to cure anything from yellow fever to the common cold. The active ingredient in hot red peppers is a compound called capsaicin, which gives it that unique sting. Capsaicin triggers the release of endorphins in the brain, which has a pain relieving effect similar to that of morphine. Their high vitamin C content can also substantially increase the absorption of non-heme iron from other ingredients in a meal, such as beans and grains.
4. Turmeric (haldi): Although usually used in its dried, powdered form, turmeric is also used fresh, much like ginger. Turmeric is sometimes also used as an agent to impart a rich, custard-like yellow colour to the dishes. In Ayurvedic practices, turmeric is thought to have many medicinal properties. Many use it as a readily available antiseptic for cuts, burns and bruises. It also makes coping with diabetes easier. Raw turmeric juice is used to treat hyper acidity and indigestion. The juice of raw turmeric also acts as a blood purifier. Curcumin -- an active component of turmeric, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for treating arthritis, inflammatory conditions and possibly cancer. Turmeric is also an inexpensive and indigenous beauty aid. It is used in the formulation of some sun screens. Smearing with turmeric paste cleans skin and beautifies it. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent and cure pimples.

5. Clove (laung): Cloves can be used in cooking either whole or in a ground form, but as they are extremely strong, they are used sparingly. Cloves promote enzymatic flow and boost digestive functioning. They are used in various forms of gastric-irritability and dyspepsia. Licking the powder of fried cloves mixed with honey is effective in controlling vomiting. Chewing a clove with a crystal of common salt eases expectoration (the process of coughing up and spitting out) relieves the irritation in the throat and stops cough in the pharyngitis -- that is, inflammation of the pharynx. Clove is an effective remedy for asthma. A teaspoon of decoction prepared by boiling six cloves in 30 ml of water can be taken with honey thrice daily as an expectorant. The use of a clove in toothache decreases pain. It also helps to decrease infection due to its antiseptic properties.
6. Cinnamon (dalchini): An aromatic smelling bark, cinnamon is widely used in most kitchens. It is principally employed in cookery as a seasoning and flavouring material. Ancient Chinese references mention about use of Cinnamon as early as 2700 BC as a medicine for relieving nausea, fever, diarrhoea and menstrual problems. Cinnamon is used for stimulating gastric and digestive juices and carminative. It is an antiseptic that helps kill bacteria which cause tooth decay and gum disease, and that is why most of the tooth pastes are cinnamon flavoured. It also kills many fungi and viruses that cause diseases. It helps calm the stomach, clears up urinary tract infections. In diabetic patients, it helps metabolise sugar in a better way using less insulin.
7. Black Pepper (kali mirch): Pepper is one of the oldest and most important of all spices. It is usually dried (known as peppercorn when dried) and used as a spice and seasoning. Black pepper is useful in relieving flatulence. Pepper has a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and produces an increased flow of saliva and gastric juices. Powdered black pepper, thoroughly mixed with malted jaggery (gur), may be taken in the treatment of such conditions. Alternatively, a quarter teaspoon of pepper powder mixed in thin buttermilk can be taken during indigestion or heaviness in the stomach. For better results, an equal part of cumin (jeera) powder may also be added to the buttermilk. Three peppers sucked with a pinch of cumin (jeera) seeds and a crystal of common salt provides relief from cough.
8. Cardamom (elaichi): Cardamom is the "queen of spices"; it is one of the most valued spices in the world. Cardamom has a strong, unique taste, with an intensely aromatic fragrance. Cardamom is used chiefly in medicines to relieve flatulence and for strengthening digestion activities. Ground cardamom seed mixed with ginger (adrak), cloves (laung) and coriander (dhania), is an effective remedy for indigestion. A tea made from cardamom is valuable in headache caused by indigestion. This can also be used as a remedy in the treatment of depression. Green cardamom is broadly used to treat infections in teeth and gums, to prevent and treat throat troubles, and congestion of the lungs. Daily gargling with an infusion of cardamom and cinnamon (dalchini) cures pharyngitis, sore-throat and also protects one from flu.
9. Cumin (jeera)/Carom (ajwain): Cumin and Carom seeds are both used for cooking and also possess many medicinal properties. They are a good source of iron and keeps immune system healthy. Water boiled with cumin seeds is good for coping with dysentery. Cumin (also known as Caraway) oil is specially used to remove flatulence. Also a cup of tea made from caraway seeds taken thrice a day after a meal will give relief. The tea is prepared by adding a tsp of caraway seed in 1.5-2 litres of boiling water and allows simmering on slow fire for 15 min. Strain and sip hot to get best of results.
Ajwain is mucous-clearing and beneficial in treating respiratory diseases. A mix of the seed and buttermilk is effective for relieving difficult expectoration caused by dry phlegm. A hot fomentation with the seeds is a popular household remedy for asthma. Ajwain is good for muscular pains the seeds should be fried in coconut oil and should be massaged as a liniment in treating this condition. Ajwain shouldn't be used in excess as it can cause dryness of fluid and damage your eyes.
10. Asafoetida (hing): Asafoetida is used as a digestive aid, in food as a seasoning. Its odour, when uncooked, is so strong that it must be stored in airtight containers otherwise the aroma will contaminate other spices stored nearby. However, its odour and flavor become much milder and more pleasant upon heating in oil or ghee. It has many medicinal uses. For gas and flatulence, you may add a pinch of hing to buttermilk with a pinch of salt and drink it after meals. In case of stomachache, a little hing should be dissolved in water and the paste should be applied on the navel. A piece of hingplaced on an aching tooth, reduces pain. Raw asafoetida may be given to the patients in lung infections like bronchitis in dosage of 5gm per day. It can be fried in ghee and given to the patients suffering from neuro-muscular disorders such as sciatica, facial palsy, paralysis etc. for relief from pain. In breathing disorders such as coughs and cold, it can be consumed in dosages of 12-15 gm for relief. You can even apply hing on an itching skin for relief.
Though these spices provide innumerable benefits they should be used sparingly. The excessive use of spices in food can cause harm to the health. Try to make specific use of these spices. This will help you to make optimal use of the resources provided by nature. Strike the right balance and add some spice to your life.

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10 foods to lift your mood

Let's face it, sometimes life can be tough. And managing your work and your personal life can be tough, and managing your weight and fitness, well, even tougher. No one can live a long and healthy life without the will to go on; sometimes mood swings can make us feel that life is too much to handle. But did you know, a bad mood not only gives you a gloomy outlook, it also lowers your immune function, leading the way to illness.
As it turns out though, what we eat is not only important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle; it can really make a difference on your outlook as well. The food you eat affects your physical as well as your mental well-being. This means a bad diet can be one of the causes of depression. On the other hand, a healthy diet may be enough to lift your spirits without the need for medication and counseling.
So, if it is true that food fuels your body and also fuels your mood then which are the foods that you should search for when you hit the blues? Well, here is a list of foods for your mood:
The carbs in oatmeal trigger the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that boosts mood and can even help you sleep better. Recent studies have shown that after consumption of high carbohydrate food, the hormone insulin is secreted, which lowers the blood levels of most amino acids, with the exception of tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin. When there are high blood levels of tryptophan in relation to other amino acids, it enters the brain at a higher rate, thus synthesising more serotonin. While all carbs will give you this kick, stick to whole-grains (complex carbs) as they are digested more slowly and will thus keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time. Examples of whole grains include brown rice, 
daliya and oatmeal. So if you want to have a good day, start the day with a bowl of oatmeal.
Well, as it turns out there a reason why you should add milk to your cereal. Milk is also a good source of tryptophan as so are other dairy products. Thus adding milk to your cereal or just having plain milk will have a happy and calming effect. Whey proteins have also been shown to decrease anxiety and frustration.

Your morning Java contains caffeine which is the world's most popular psychoactive drug. It boosts metabolism and energy levels, making you feel more alert. It also manipulates the channels in the brains, thus activating the brain's pleasure centers. However, too much caffeine can make you dependent and make you nervous, irritable, or bring on headaches. If you have trouble sleeping, avoid coffee and other caffeinated foods and beverages before bedtime.

According to a recent survey, many people suffering from depression felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan (although it's not one of the major sources, a medium banana still contains about 10.6 mg of tryptophan). Moreover, it also regulates your blood glucose levels with the Vitamin B6 and smooth your mood naturally. Vitamin B6 is needed to convert the phenylalanine to mood-enhancing dopamine. If you don't get enough vitamin B6, you'll probably feel low, and stress depletes your levels further.

The monosaturated fats in avocados help your brain be sensitive to serotonin levels. And there is more, these same fats will help lower blood pressure over time. So that's two kills with one stone. Moreover, avacados have one of the highest contents of Vitamin B6.

It's no secret that turkey contains tryptophan, but it also contains a chemical phenylalanine that the brain converts to dopamine. Dopamine is a neuro chemical that elevates mood and motivation.

When you're feeling down, cook up some fish. Their high levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to fight depression, moodiness and impulsiveness. They boost serotonin levels and the zinc present in fish enhances your brain's receptiveness to the neurotransmitter. The best fish are fatty fish such as salmon, herring and sardines. Salmon is also a natural source of Vitamin D which according to recent researches may increase the level of serotonin.

Walnuts have long been thought of as a "brain food" because of their wrinkled, bi-lobed (brainlike) appearance. Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids for vegetarians. They are also enriched with tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin -- mood enhancing chemicals.

This is one thing we all know that works! According to a recent study, moderate drinkers (two drinks a day for men, one for women) had fewer depressive symptoms, but alcohol in large quantities can be a devastating depressant.

Dark chocolate
So the best things always come the last. This sweet treat has a mild, temporary effect on your mood. In part, it's an emotional response. However, chocolate contains some caffeine, which acts as a stimulant, and the food's sugars and other compounds trigger the release of serotonin and endorphin. Moreover, cocoa and dark chocolate contain significant amounts of antioxidant flavanols, which improve blood flow in the brain.

There is one more thing that will help you lift your mood almost instantly. It's not a food, it's exercise. Research suggests that exercise may provide an immediate mood boost for people suffering from depression.
You deserve the best that this life has to offer for your body, mind and spirit. It all starts with how you treat yourself.
Let the good feelings flow!

deal with stress?

So how can you help yourself deal with stress?
We spoke to a few health professionals and they came up with some easy tips on how to deal with stress, irrespective of the cause.
1. Create a balance in your life, says Mumbai-based psychiatrist Dr Dayal Mirchandani. You have to make time for activities that are important to you -- spend time with family, friends.
2. Make time for rest and regeneration, he adds. Listen to music, watch movie, take walks, whatever you like doing. Carry your iPod wherever you go.
3. Don't let small things bother you. If something is on your mind, find out more about it instead of relying on undependable sources. Dr Adhiraj Joglekar, consulting psychiatrist says, "Take for example swine flu. The first thing to acknowledge is that the virus is contagious (spreads) but not virulent (deadly). If it was deadly, then deaths would have been a lot higher than they are." Learn how you can protect yourself instead of panicking.
4. Exercise. "Even if it means walking for 10 minutes everyday or climbing the stairs, do it," says Dr Mirchandani. Exercising releases endorphins that help in keeping you positive and happy.
5. Make time to relax at work. "Take those five minutes to look out of the window when you are at office. It is better than later undergoing a stress workshop for two hours a day," says Dr Mirchandani.
6. Rekindle that hobby -- it could be shopping or painting or whatever you like. Do activities that make you happy and take your mind off the routine.
7. Meditate. Cliched as this sounds, there is no shortcut out of this, says Dr Mirchandani. Take short breaks during your work-day to meditate in a quiet corner of your office. Do some deep breathing exercises to calm your mind.
8. Change your habits, if need be. If something is bothering you, a change in habit can work wonders.
9. Change your mindset. "Ultimately, it is how you look at life. Don't let stress get the better of you," says Dr Mirchandani. "If something bothers you, look at it rationally and see how you can reduce its effect on you or eliminate it. Don't let it reach a stage where you need professional help."

Foods to lower high blood pressure

Foods to lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the most common cardiovascular disease. Blood pressure refers to the force of blood pushing against artery walls as it courses through the body. Each time heart beats, it pumps out blood into the arteries. Blood pressure is highest when the heart beats, pumping the blood. This is called systolic pressure. When the heart is at rest, between beats, the blood pressure falls. This is the diastolic pressure.
Most people with high blood pressure have no signs or symptoms. Although a few people with early-stage high blood pressure may have dull headaches, dizzy spells or a few more nosebleeds than normal, these signs and symptoms typically don't occur until high blood pressure has reached an advanced - even life-threatening - stage.
Normal blood pressure is 120/80, where 120 is the systolic (maximum) blood pressure and 80 is the diastolic (minimum) blood pressure. When systolic blood pressure is above 140mm Hg or when diastolic blood pressure is above 90mm Hg, blood pressure is considered high. Hypertension may be caused by a variety of reasons such as: heredity, your genes, high salt in your diet, not being active, obesity, excessive alcohol intake and/or low potassium in your diet.

Hypertension is an all too common condition in today's hectic society. With many people being overweight, eating a poor diet, and experiencing high stress levels, blood pressure problems will likely remain a reality.
Although some people are genetically predisposed to hypertension, there's plenty of evidence that a healthy life style and good nutrition can help during hypertension. Here are a few tips to get you started:
A number of common vegetables and spices have beneficial effects in controlling hypertension. Incorporate these into your cooking:
Celery (ajmud): Oriental medicine practitioners have long used celery for lowering high blood pressure. There are some experimental evidence that shows that celery is useful for this. In one animal study, laboratory animals injected with celery extract showed lowered blood pressure.
Eating as few as four celery stalks a day was found to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure in human beings. However, celery does contain sodium and other compounds that can have negative effects when large amounts are ingested.

Garlic is a wonder drug for heart. It has beneficial effects in all cardiovascular system including blood pressure.
In a study, when people with high blood pressure were given one clove of garlic a day for 12 weeks, their diastolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels were significantly reduced. Eating quantities as small as one clove of garlic a day was found to have beneficial effects on managing hypertension.
Use garlic in your cooking, salad, soup, pickles, etc. It is very versatile.
Onions are useful in hypertension. Two to three tablespoons of onion essential oil a day was found to lower the systolic levels by an average of 25 points and the diastolic levels by 15 points in hypertension subjects.
This should not be surprising because onion is a cousin of garlic.
Tomatoes are high in gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), a compound that can help bring down blood pressure.
Broccoli (hari phoolgobhi)
Glucoraphanin, also known as sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS), a naturally-occurring compound found in broccoli sprouts and broccoli, help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Carrots are high in potassium, which can help prevent and control high blood pressure.
They are also high in beta-carotene, which studies show can reduce the risk of heart disease leading to high blood pressure. Carrot juice helps to maintain normal blood pressure by regulating heart and kidney functions.
A recommended dose is a 240 ml blend of one part celery juice, one part carrot juice and one part water, taken at least once a day.
Saffron (kesar)
Saffron contains a chemical called crocetin that lowers the blood pressure. You can use saffron in your cooking. (It is a very popular spice in Arabic cooking).
You can also make a tea with it. Many Indians add a pinch of saffron in the brewed tea to give a heavenly flavor. Unfortunately, it is very expensive.
Spices such as fennel (saunf), oregano (ajwain), black pepper (kali mirch) and basil (tulsi) have active ingredients that are beneficial in hypertension. Use them in your cooking.
The link between hypertension and diet is irrefutable.
Generally speaking, making small changes to one's diet is one of the best ways of dealing with something as unspecified in origin as hypertension, and natural treatment of the condition addresses that which contributes to hypertension.

The right diet for healthy hair and skin

Hair and skin are the two components of our physical being which reflect our health. Dry lacklustre hair, dull sallow skin and broken, chipped nails are a sure indicator of deterioration of health, which we do not need a doctor to diagnose. People wonder why despite eating a lot they do not look healthy, but there are many reasons why they may have problems with their skin and hair:
  • Too much processed food in the diet: Besides being low in nutritional value, it is also acidic and may lead to dandruff and hair fall.
  • Not enough raw salads, due to which the diet is enzyme deficient and results in a dull, sallow complexion.
  • Constipation is the mother of all ills.
  • A high-stress lifestyle with inadequate mental rest.
  • Recovering from any disease.
  • Sudden weight-loss.
The right diet would contain:
  • An adequate amount of protein like soya, black channa, or for non-vegetarians, fish and eggs.
  • An adequate amount of zinc and chromium, which is easily available from nuts and seeds.
  • A diet comprising of 50 percent fresh (raw) foods and 50 percent cooked foods.
  • Sulphur and silicon in vegetables like broccoli, sea vegetables, onion.
  • Biotin found in brown rice and soya.
  • A little bit of flaxseed oil for the essential fatty acids and also to maintain the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
  • All the B vitamins found in coloured fruit like papaya, watermelon, oranges etc.
  • Vitamin C found in amla and all the citrus fruits.
  • Alfalfa sprouts or leaf extracts or triphala daily.
For acne-prone skin: 1 teaspoon of karela juice mixed with amla and lauki juice clears the skin very well; if it is combined with bathwater containing neem leaves, even better.
For pigmentation of skin: The ideal diet must contain all fresh salads and one teaspoon of karela juice in the morning.
For sensitive skin: A soothing aloe vera gel works well (but first do a patch test).
For skin allergies: Along with a food elimination test with non-vegetarian foods and milk or wheat is essential; also employ de-stress techniques like pranayams.
Source: LIFEMojo

Sunday, December 6, 2009

25 Tips for a Healthy Heart

The Fruit That Helps Fight Lung Disease

Apples are known for their protective effect on the lungs and the bronchial tubes as they have a high content of the Bio-flavonoid nutrient called quercetin.

Quercetin acts like an anti inflammatory and anti allergic medication in the body. It inhibits the pro-inflammatory molecules in the body like histamine and leukotriene that create the vasoconstriction and broncho-constriction that causes asthma attacks.
About Quercetin:

Quercetin is a phytochemical that is part of the coloring found in the skins of apples and red onions. It has been isolated and is sold as a dietary supplement.
In the Body:
Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It is also a natural anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory. Research shows that quercetin may help to prevent cancer, especially prostate cancer.
Why Use It:
Quercetin's antihistamine action may help to relieve allergic symptoms and asthma symptoms. The anti-inflammatory properties may help to reduce pain from disorders such as arthritis. Men who are concerned about prostate problems would also benefit from quercetin. Quercetin may also help reduce symptoms like fatigue, depression and anxiety.

Do you Know???

Why whole food is better than processed food?

Whole food is food in its original form, such as milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. Processed food is food that has been altered, such as bread, cheese, peanut butter, tempeh, jelly, fries, soft drinks and potato chips. As whole food is converted to processed food, we trade nutrition and safety for convenience and variety.

Losing weight is easier than you think? By burning up more calories than you consume, you can reach your objective over a comfortable period of time. So, follow these simple steps:

1. Aim for a healthy weight. People who need to lose weight should do so gradually, at a rate of one-half to two pounds per week. 2. Be physically active. 3. Eat healthy. 4. Your personal nutrition coach can help you achieve your goals.

That almonds lower LDL and total cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease.

A small fistful of almonds (6-8 of them) five times a week, will provide your body with the following nutrients: Monounsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber,
vitamin E, magnesium.

Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce blood pressure?

According to a study done in Tokyo, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids were found to lower blood pressure. People whose diet had liberal servings of fatty fish (e.g. trout, salmon, and mackerel) walnuts, flaxseed, all rich in omega-3 fatty acids were found to have slightly lower blood pressure than people who ate diets with less of this nutrient. Other parameters which help one to lower blood pressure are eating less salt, losing excess weight, avoiding heavy drinking, eating more fruit and vegetables, whole grains (these provide the body with valuable fibre, minerals, vegetable proteins and other nutrients) and getting more omega-3 fatty acids. Source: Reuters

That Figs (anjeer) are a Bone Density Promoter

Figs are a good fruit source of Calcium (79mg in 240g of a fruit), a mineral that has many other functions including promoting bone density.

In fact, figs are also very rich in Potassium and it's believed that the Potassium in figs counteracts the loss of increased urinary Calcium that is caused in people with high salt diets, thus helping to further prevent bones from thinning out at a faster rate in these individuals.

Fats help you reap more benefits from salads.

Studies have shown that 10 times more phyto-chemicals and antioxidants
are absorbed from vegetables when they are consumed with healthy fats
like Olive oil, tuna or nuts. But these fats must be used in limited amounts .

Walking is one of the easiest ways to be physically active? Not only can you do it almost anywhere and at any time but it is also inexpensive-all you need are a pair of comfortable shoes with sturdy heel support.

Walking can: Give you more energy and make you feel good. Reduce stress and help you relax. Tone and strengthen your muscles. Increase the number of calories your body uses. Lower your risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Best of all it gives you an opportunity to socialize actively with friends and family.

The Following Tps Could Alleviate Hot Flashes?

Flax seed and garden cress seeds reduce the frequency of Hot flashes by 60%. For optimum benefits they are best eaten ground.

Why Glycemic Index has gained a lot of attention in the last few years?

Glycemic Index or GI as it's popularly known is an index that ranks carbohydrate foods.  This ranking is done based on the food's effect on blood sugar compared with a standard reference food's effect on blood sugar.  A food that surges the blood sugar quickly is called a high GI food, and that which increases the blood sugar slowly and steadily is referred to as a low GI food. 

It is healthier to eat whole grain as opposed to refined flour products?

Refining of flour causes the loss of the majority of its nutrients. Most people think mainly of fiber when they think of whole grain products. But most of the mineral content, including magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, and manganese, is lost.

Diets with adequate folate may reduce a woman's risk of having a child with a brain or spinal cord defect.

Excellent vegetable sources: black eyed peas, cooked spinach, great northern beans, asparagus

Diets rich in dietary fiber have been shown to have a number of beneficial effects including decreased risk of coronary artery disease.

Excellent vegetable sources: navy beans, kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, lima beans, white beans, soybeans, split peas, chick peas, black eyed peas, lentils, artichokes

Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds and keep teeth and gums healthy.

Excellent fruit and vegetable sources: red and green peppers, kiwi, strawberries, sweet potatoes, kale, cantaloupe, broccoli, pineapple, Brussels sprouts, oranges, mangoes, tomato juice, cauliflower

The difference between being overweight and being obese?

An adult who has a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. An adult who has a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. It is important to remember that although BMI correlates with the amount of body fat, BMI does not directly measure body fat. See the following table for an example. Height Weight Range BMI Considered 5' 9" 124 lbs or less Below 18.5 Underweight 125 lbs to 168 lbs 18.5 to 24.9 Healthy weight 169 lbs to 202 lbs 25.0 to 29.9 Overweight 203 lbs or more 30 or higher Obese
Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections?

Excellent fruit and vegetable sources: sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, spinach, turnip greens, mustard greens, kale, collard greens, winter squash, cantaloupe, red peppers, Chinese cabbage

Drinking apple juice may ward off asthma symptoms in children?

A study conducted in London has found that drinking apple juice concentrate daily may help ward off asthma symptoms in children. The antioxidants present in the fruit protect the body from stress due to pollution and ease inflammation, thus reducing asthma symptoms. Antioxidant content of apples is particularly high and the study has proved that juice was more protective than eating apples or any other fruit other than bananas. Children who drank apple juice from concentrate at least once a day were at 47 percent lower risk of wheezing than children who drank apple juice less than once a month. Source: European Respiratory Journal